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Apollo is an open-source developer test skeleton toolkit for Web Start. Apollo lets you turbo-charge Web Start apps without Web Start to speed up your compile/run/test/debug/goof-off cycle avoiding the hassle of stuffing, signing, uploading or downloading your jars every time you rearrange a comma in your source code.
Apollo is not a replacement for Web Start (OpenJNLP, NetX or any other app launcher). Apollo is more like a test emulator (such as POSE - Palm OS Emulator) helping you to speed up your development between full-blown, time-consuming, irreplaceable, real Web Start workouts. Apollo can't fake every Web Start bell and whistle (e.g. download on demand) but outshines Sun's Web Start dumb dev pack stubs that merely let you compile your source. Apollo lets you popup your household browser and more without calling in the Web Start machinery.
Apollo consists of a jar that you can use to replace Sun's javax.jnlpx
residing in jnlp.jar
that only allow you to compile your code and
that ship with Sun's Web Start dev pack.
Apollo is a thin wrapper around Sun's javax.jnlpx
If your app runs under Web Start Apollo will automatically detect it
and pass all runtime service calls (such as poping up a browser window)
on to the Web Start engine.
If your app, however, runs without Web Start Apollo will kick in
and mimick Web Start's runtime services.
To use Apollo replace all javax.jnlpx
imports with apollo
import javax.jnlpx.*; // Web Start only import apollo.*; // Web Start plus Apollo-propelled stand-alone launching
To spare you from learning yet another API set
Apollo reuses all runtime service class and method names.
The only exception is Apollo's ServiceManager
that adds type-safe methods to
lookup pre-defined runtime services (e.g. lookupBasicService()
avoiding unexpected runtime errors and reducing source code bloat.
import javax.jnlp.* ... BasicService bs = (BasicService) ServiceManager.lookup( "javax.jnlp.BasicService" ); bs.showDocument( new URL( "http://vamphq.com/times" ) );
import apollo.*; ... BasicService bs = ServiceManager.lookupBasicService(); bs.showDocument( new URL( "http://vamphq.com/times" ) );
import apollo.*; ... ServiceManager.lookupBasicService().showDocument( new URL( "http://vamphq.com/times" ) );
Apollo lets you configure the codebase or the online/offline status
of your app if you want to run it without
Web Start but still use
By default BasicService.isOffline()
returns false
(meaning your app is online).
If you want to change the setting you can pass
the property apollo.offline=true
to your app. As an alternative
you can also add apollo.properties
to your classpath or bundle it with your app's jar in
the root directory.
Inside the apollo.properties
add the apollo.offline
property to
match your desired setting.
Note, that all apollo properties only work
if your app runs without Web Start.
By default BasicService.getCodeBase()
the working directory returned by the system property
To use a different codebase pass the property
to your app. As an alternative you
can also add the apollo.codebase
property to the apollo.properties
file in your app's root directory where
Apollo picks it up if you run your app without Web Start.
Apollo offers you some convenience methods (aka power methods) to spare you typing marathons or cut-and-paste orgies. For example, to create a muffin named "sticky" with the text "Apollo Rocks" using the app's codebase you can write:
MuffinStore.saveText( "sticky", "Apollo Rocks" );
Compare this with the "official" sub-atomic Web Start workout:
PersistenceService ps = (PersistenceService) ServiceManager.lookup( "javax.jnlp.PersistenceService" ); BasicService bs = (BasicService) ServiceManager.lookup( "javax.jnlp.BasicService" ); URL baseURL = bs.getCodeBase(); URL muffinURL = new URL( baseURL, "sticky" ); ps.create( muffinURL, 1024 ); FileContents contents = ps.get( muffinURL ); DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream( contents.getOutputStream( true ) ); os.writeUTF( "Apollo Rocks" ); os.flush(); os.close();
To get the text for a muffin using Apollo, use the one-liner below:
String text = MuffinStore.loadText( "sticky" );
To load or save properties you can use
Apollo also includes an alternative secure file chooser to clean-up Web Start's FileOpen and FileSave sandbox services. Apollo lets you write:
SecureFileChooser chooser = new SecureFileChooser(); if( chooser.showOpenDialog() == SecureFileChooser.CANCEL ) return; FileContents contents = chooser.getFileContents();
instead of using the "official" cryptic Web Start calls:
FileOpenService fos = ServiceManager.lookup( "javax.jnlp.FileOpenService" ); FileContents contents = fos.openFileDialog( null, null ); if( contents == null ) // user canceled open dialog return; // do your thing here
Apollo currently mimicks the following Web Start services:
That leaves only the javax.jnlp.DownloadService
hanging. Also note that
Apollo's FileContents
interface doesn't
yet support random access through the JNLPRandomAccessFile
Browser Launchers
class (frozen since 2000)
- http://browserlauncher.sourceforge.net
Full-fledged, open-source app launchers (aka Web Start clones)
Send your comments, suggestions, praise or poems to webmistress@vamphq.com | Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Gerald Bauer |